In Jeff Howe's article, he talked about how crowdsoursing is evil for artists. For what I understood, he thinks that companies take advantage of artists and designers because they can get their works done way cheaper by holding a "design contest" than asking the professional designers to do their work. The company name the winner and it receive the design in exchange with fairly small amount of prize money. Critiques argue that it's taking designer's job away, ruining the industry.
Although it makes sense in a way, I would have to counter-argue this thought. I think that critiques who make these argument don't realize that the people who apply to these "design contests" are not the professional artists, or yet to become professional artists. Those might be the people who wants to share their talent with others or companies that are willing to use their work. Those might be the people who have other jobs but does designing for fun, and looking for a chance to give it a try in those contests. Professional artist have works other than here, and I believe that people who enter those contests do it for leisure. Design contests where everywhere before the term "croudsoursing" appealed. It's the technology that boosted up the phenomenon.
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